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Fondazione Sodalitas: Submit Your Positive-Impact Project for the “Call for Future” Campaign

Sodalitas Call for Future is the initiative created by Fondazione Sodalitas to raise the awareness of institutions and people - especially youngsters - regarding the strategic role played by businesses in the sustainable development of Italy.  The campaign aims to also highlight the challenges and solutions that can contribute to achieving the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda.

Until 16 December 2021, all interested Italian companies can submit - via the callforfuture.apply-idea360.com platform - the case history of one or more projects that have contributed to generating a positive change with respect to one of these four challenges:

  • Call for Planet (environment and climate change).

  • Call for People (social inclusion and quality of life).

  • Call for Work (work and employability).

  • Call for Better (sustainable lifestyles).

All the projects that take part in Sodalitas Call for Future will:

  • Have visibility on the digital platform dedicated to businesses that are leading the way towards change (www.sodalitascallforfuture.it)

  • Receive the "Sodalitas Call for Future" logo, to highlight their contribution to a sustainable future

  • Take part in the "Together for Future" competition, involving 2 million students from Italy's 7,500 secondary schools.

Building a sustainable future is the decisive challenge facing society over the next ten years. It is an essential choice and a concrete commitment that individuals and businesses must make to secure a renewed perspective for growth, development, and inclusion.

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