CSR Europe’s work is focused on the three mechanisms of engagement for impact: Upskilling (Learning & Implementing), Upscaling (Collaboration) and Influence (EU Policy Dialogue).
The Learning & Implementing activities constitute our Upskilling pillar. Through a series of activities, CSR Europe offers support to enhance the level of maturity and integration of sustainability inside companies.
Throughout 3 sessions, each series will equip CSR Europe’s Corporate Members with best practices and tools for crafting tailored improvement plans for social performance reporting and going beyond due diligence compliance.
Each series will mix 2 online sessions and 1 Bootcamp in Brussels to maximize best practice sharing, networking, shared problem-solving, and collaboration.
Suppliers Engagement for Sustainable Impact
Climate Transition Plans for Business Resilience
The EU Sustainability Policy Update series provides CSR Europe members with a unique opportunity to stay informed and engaged with the latest EU policy and legislative developments. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of key issues shaping the European Union's sustainability agenda and how to adapt strategies to align with new regulations and initiatives, while also receiving insights into effective implementation strategies. These dynamic, interactive one-hour sessions will feature European Union officials discussing selected legislation/initiatives, alongside business representatives presenting key implementation strategies and potential challenges.
EU Issue insights
We empower member companies with the intelligence they need to assess and prepare for the impact of European policies and legislation on their strategy & operations.
CSR Europe’s EU Issue Insights consist of policy briefs on specific topics to unlock the avalanche of EU Regulations.
In 2025 members will receive EU Issue Insights on:
Competitiveness Compass
Omnibus Package and Clean Industrial Deal
Mid-Year Review: The Commission’s Progress on Corporate Sustainability
Green Claims and the Empowering Consumers Directives
The EU’s Approach to Linking Sustainability and Competitiveness
The Issues are available exclusively to CSR Europe members. Previous issues can be downloaded on the Members-Only webpage.
CSR Europe’s Future Lab on “The Art of Selling Sustainability” seeks to address how companies can enhance their competitiveness through sustainability both individually and collectively. The initiative aims to engage frontrunning CSR Europe members and Knowledge Partners in the exploration of the internal and external challenges that hinder value creation through sustainability, and to identify strategies to overcome these challenges. Members’ contributions to the Future Lab will complement the policy dialogue efforts made within the framework of the European CSO Network, as they will address:
Market conditions: regulations, incentives, taxation, trade, etc.
Internal challenges: private equity, marketing, sales, skills, etc.
External challenges: consumer behaviour, B2B requirements.
(Members & non-members)
Our comprehensive service offer, available for both members and non-members (CSR Europe Members can benefit from a 30% discount), is specifically designed to provide businesses across all industries with the know-how they need to overcome the sustainability challenges arising from the Just Transition and the twin - digital and green - transformation.
Learning & Implementing