The European SDG Summit 2021: For Climate Action & a Just Transition

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In the face of a climate crisis and weakened social cohesion, the European SDG Summit 2021 calls for renewed ambition, mobilisation, leadership, and collective action to build a prosperous and inclusive society while pursuing a green and digital transition.

The SDG Summit 2021 will take place on the 11th-14th October 2021, ahead of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). In 30 virtual and fully open sessions, businesses, industry federations, civil society organisations, and EU policymakers will engage in action-oriented dialogues to accelerate the shift to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy that leaves no one behind. Every day the Summit will bring together a cross-sectoral, cross-industrial, c-level audience across Europe and beyond for 1 high-level plenary session, 3 European SDG Roundtables, 3 Industry SDG Roundtables, and 3 National SDG Roundtables.

CSR Europe corporate members and National Partner Organisations are invited to answer to the Call for Proposals and share inputs regarding the topics of the SDG Roundtables:

The proposals must be sent back to CSR Europe by 30 April at 12:00 CET.

The sustainability agenda towards 2030 is by necessity both a leadership and collaborative programme. With the Sustainable Development Goals, stakeholders have a common language to translate societies’ needs and concerns into business priorities, business models, in a sustainable approach to investments and finance, and – last but not least – in enhanced collaborations. Each company should bring along other companies, the sectors in which it operates, stakeholders and policy makers in a common drive towards systemic change.

This is why, last year, CSR Europe launched the European Pact for Sustainable Industry, a public campaign to make the European Green Deal and its Climate Pact a success by scaling up the impact of individual efforts made by companies, industry federations and EU leaders. The Pact is not only an attempt to continue fostering this new, sustainable way of thinking and approach to decision-making. CSR Europe’s Corporate Members, National Partner Organisations (NPOs), and Associated Partners, together with Industry Federations can contribute to incubating sustainable and scalable solutions to create a bottom-up dynamic for a “race to the top”.

At the opening plenary of the SDG Summit, CSR Europe will release the first edition of the European Sustainable Industry Barometer together with Moody’s Vigeo Eiris. The Barometer will provide data on the sustainability level and maturity of European industry federations, demonstrating the progress made and where additional efforts are needed.

If your organization is interested in sponsoring the event, check our sponsorship package

For more information:

Hana Kreso,

Project Manager, Sustainability Management & Network