The Sustainable Development Goals call upon us to develop an equitable society within the natural boundaries of our planet. Circular economy provides the most encompassing approach to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12). At the same time, it is indispensable in building resilient infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and fostering innovation (SDG 9).
Circular economy is a crucial contributor to sustainable development and the achievement of the climate goals. The transition in our consumption and production patterns that is needed to reach the Sustainable Development Goals, is enabled by digital technologies. The technologies to do that exist but they are insufficiently integrated into current business practices.
It is therefore crucial for technology providers to understand their role in the transition towards a circular economy. In addition, they need to understand and mitigate the environmental and societal risks related to the implementation of a digital circular economy.
With this session, GSTIC 2020 and CSR Europe aim to bring together international experts in circularity and digitalisation for an exchange of knowledge, expertise and vision. Only if we build bridges between both worlds, can we design the digital sustainable transition.
Why should you participate?
Join us at this joint plenary to discuss how digitalization will enable a circular economy and sustainable society.
We look at the connections between the European Green Deal and the European Industrial Strategy, key policy documents for the post COVID-19 period, which are driven by the Circular Economy Action Plan and the Digital Europe Programme.
We will also make a link to the new European Raw Materials Alliance, which provides an investment platform to reduce the import dependency of the European economy.
Key players from industry and the European Commission will present and debate their insights.
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